- 附属図書館トップ
- ニュース&インフォメーション
- 【復旧しました】Web of Scienceで学認が使えなくなっています/【Restored】System error occuring on Web of Science(Gakunin)
【復旧しました】Web of Scienceで学認が使えなくなっています/【Restored】System error occuring on Web of Science(Gakunin)
(English version is below.)
2月17日現在、提供元から連絡はありませんが、Web of Scienceで「学認」が使えるようになっているようです。
学外から「学認」を通じてWeb of Scienceにアクセスしようとした際に
学内ネットワークからWeb of Scienceでメール登録した上で、ログインすると、
Web of Science: 製品へのアクセスについて
As of February 17th, there has been no communication from the provider, but it appears that "Gakunin" can now be used on Web of Science. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused to our users.
When attempting to access Web of Science via "GakuNin" from outside of the school,
there is a problem where it says "an error occurred in this sign-in request".
We are currently waiting for a fix from the provider, Clarivate Analytics.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
After registering your email address on Web of Science from the campus network, if you log in, you can also log in from outside the campus using the registered email address for up to six months since your last login on the campus network.
Please refer to the following for details on how to register(Japanese Language Only).
Web of Science: 製品へのアクセスについて
Note: If you still encounter an error even when accessing from within the school's network, please try clearing your browser cache.
2月17日現在、提供元から連絡はありませんが、Web of Scienceで「学認」が使えるようになっているようです。
学内ネットワークからWeb of Scienceでメール登録した上で、ログインすると、
Web of Science: 製品へのアクセスについて
As of February 17th, there has been no communication from the provider, but it appears that "Gakunin" can now be used on Web of Science. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused to our users.
there is a problem where it says "an error occurred in this sign-in request".
We are currently waiting for a fix from the provider, Clarivate Analytics.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
After registering your email address on Web of Science from the campus network, if you log in, you can also log in from outside the campus using the registered email address for up to six months since your last login on the campus network.
Please refer to the following for details on how to register(Japanese Language Only).
Web of Science: 製品へのアクセスについて
Note: If you still encounter an error even when accessing from within the school's network, please try clearing your browser cache.