- 附属図書館トップ
- ニュース&インフォメーション
- (3月卒業・修了等予定の方へ)貸出期限延長手続きのオンライン受付を開始いたします
Renewing before the library card’s expiration date (online)
Renewing before the library card’s expiration date (online)
以前お知らせした「(3月卒業・修了等予定の方へ)貸出期限延長手続きの受付中です 」について、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大防止のための対応として、一部の申請をオンラインでの受付を開始いたします。
【図書の貸出期間上限の延長 】
なお、貸出期間の上限とMy Library にログインできる期間は連動しています。
My Libraryにログインする必要がある場合は、先に貸出期間の上限延長を申し込んでください。
If your student ID card is valid until March 31, 2021, you can borrow books up to March 1, 2021.
You can borrow books until March 25, 2021 by applying at the Central Library.
As a response to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we will also accept online applications from the following.
【Renewing the library card’s expiration date 】
If you are going to enter YNU graduate school in March, you can borrow books until March 31, 2021, but you cannot apply online because you need to show your admission card. Please come to the Central Library.
Please note that the period during which you can borrow books and the period during which you can log in to My Library are the same.
If you need to log in to My Library, please apply for a loan period extension first.
- 学習・研究のために図書の貸出が必要な方 →3/25まで
- 学位論文が未提出の方 →3/25まで
【図書の貸出期間上限の延長 】
なお、貸出期間の上限とMy Library にログインできる期間は連動しています。
My Libraryにログインする必要がある場合は、先に貸出期間の上限延長を申し込んでください。
If your student ID card is valid until March 31, 2021, you can borrow books up to March 1, 2021.
You can borrow books until March 25, 2021 by applying at the Central Library.
As a response to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we will also accept online applications from the following.
【Renewing the library card’s expiration date 】
If you are going to enter YNU graduate school in March, you can borrow books until March 31, 2021, but you cannot apply online because you need to show your admission card. Please come to the Central Library.
Please note that the period during which you can borrow books and the period during which you can log in to My Library are the same.
If you need to log in to My Library, please apply for a loan period extension first.
Circulation Section (libmainynu.ac.jp)